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'State recognized tribes are not Indian tribes'

Cherokee Nation demands Congress put a stop to Pretendians

ICYMI: The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs held a listening session on proposed updates to the Indian Arts and Crafts Act (IACA) on the afternoon of Wednesday, April 26, 2023. And no surprise — the overwhelming majority of commenters during the hour-plus long session called on Congress to strengthen the law by putting a stop to Pretendians, at least when it comes to the billion-dollar art industry.

The voices in support of stopping Pretendians include Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. of the Cherokee Nation. He said his tribe won’t support any updates to the IACA unless state-recognized groups are removed from existing law.

“I want to be clear: State recognized tribes are not Indian tribes, and a member of one of these organizations are not Indian tribes,” Chief Hoskin told the committee. “They're not citizens of Indian nations.”

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